Special sessions have the main aim of creating a mini-workshop on a specific topic, where researchers working on the same argument can make knowledge, familiarize, exchange ideas, create cooperation.
Special Sessions are being developed by designated chairs.
If you, as an author, have a paper that could be included in one of these sessions, you may submit an extended abstract selecting your favourite session. If the abstract is not selected for the session, it may be included in another part of the technical program.
To submit extended abstracts to the special session, follow the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the special session to which the paper is directed.
List of Special Sessions
Special Session #1: Geomorphology in the Digital Age
Organized by: Anselme Muzirafuti, University of Messina, Italy
Special Session #2: Technologies, techniques and methodologies for coastal monitoring
Organized by: Alessandro Pozzebon, Matteo Bertocco, Giacomo Peruzzi, Chiara Favaretto, University of Padova, Italy; Duccio Bertoni, University of Pisa, Italy
Special Session #3: Multisource innovative approaches for enhancing the usability of metocean data
Organized by: Giuseppe Giorgi, Edoardo Pasta, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy; John Ringwood, Maynooth University, Ireland
Special Session #4: Artificial Intelligence for Marine Ecosystem Monitoring, Biodiversity Conservation, and Climate Change Impact Assessment
Organized by: Fabiana Di Ciaccio, University of Florence, Italy; Paolo Russo, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy; Roberto Pierdicca, Eva Savina Malinverni, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy; Rosalia Maglietta, Carla Cherubini, Institute of Intelligent Industrial Systems and Technologies for Advanced Manufacturing, CNR, Bari, Italy; Giulia De Masi, Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi
Special Session #5: Detection and monitoring of water contamination phenomena
Organized by: Anna Verlanti, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; Morgan Simpson, University of Stirling, UK; Yuan Guo, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China
Special Session #6: Modeling, measurements and products for satellite remote sensing of inland water bodies and coastal regions
Organized by: Andrea Buono, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; Giuseppe Grieco, ISMAR - National Research Council; Lucio Mascolo, Universitat de Valencia
Special Session #7: Instrumentation and systems for maritime applications
Organized by: Giulia Buttazzoni, University of Trieste, Italy; Giovanni Ludeno, Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment, CNR, Naples, Italy; Stefano Perna, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
Special Session #8: Methodologies and ecological indicators for the monitoring of anthropogenic impacts in transitional waters and marine ecosystems
Organized by: Pasquale Ricci, University of Bari, Italy; Santina Giandomenico, Giuseppe Denti, Lucia Spada, Water Research Institute - National Research Council (IRSA-CNR), Taranto, Italy; Matilda Mali, Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh), Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
Special Session #9: Towards Transparent Ocean using Underwater Sensor Networks
Organized by: Wai-keung Fung, Cardiff Metropolitan University; Nazila Fough, Somasundar Kannan, Christopher McDermott, Robert Gordon University; Naoki Motoi, Kobe University; Filippo Campagnaro, University of Padova, Italy
Special Session #10: Innovative methodologies and approaches for assessing anthropic impacts on the marine environment
Organized by: Melania Paturzo, Domenico Paparo, National Research Council – Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems “E. Caianiello” (CNR-ISASI); Francesca Garaventa, Chiara Gambardella, National Research Council – Institute for the Study of Anthropogenic Impacts and Sustainability in the Marine Environment (CNR-IAS)
Special Session #11: Marine Measurements from the Vessels of Opportunity
Organized by: Ilaria Ferrando, Domenico Sguerso, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - University of Genova, Italy; Roberta Ivaldi, Paola Picco, Italian Hydrographic Institute; Marco Giovine, Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences - Unviersity of Genova, Italy
Special Session #12: Remote sensing, in-situ surveys, and GIS applications for marine and coastal areas
Organized by: Claudio Parente, Ugo Falchi, Andrea Vallario, Department of Science and Technology, University "Parthenope" of Naples, Italy; Mariusz Specht, Oktawia Specht, Department of Transport and Logistics, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
Special Session #13: Nowcast and forecast of metocean conditions
Organized by: Giovanni Besio, University of Genoa, Italy; Alessandro Romano, University of Roma Tre, Italy; Claudio Iuppa, University of Messina, Italy
Special Session #14: Indicators of state for the marine ecosystems: physical and biological contributions
Organized by: Angela Pomaro, National Research Council - Institute of Marine Sciences, Italy; Pier Francesco Moretti, National Research Council - Department of Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Italy; Giancarlo De Gasperis, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Antonio Giorgini, National Research Council - National Institute of Optics, Italy; Lorenzo Brezzi, University of Padova, Italy
Special Session #15: Marine Benthic Species as Key Players in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Monitoring
Organized by: Roberta Trani, Tamara Lazic, Department of Biosciences, Biotechnology and Environment, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy; Daniele Arduini, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies, University of Salento, Italy; Giulia Papini, Laboratory of Experimental Ecology and Aquaculture, Dept. of Biology, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy; Montserrat Compa, Interdisciplinary Ecology Group, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Special Session #16: Remote Sensing and Multimodal Data Fusion for Marine Applications Management
Organized by: Alessandro Galdelli, Adriano Mancini, Gagan Narang, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy; Anna Nora Tassetti, National Research Council, Institute for Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnologies (IRBIM-CNR), Italy; Luca Marsaglia, Global Fishing Watch
Special Session #17: Measuring acoustic performances of ships
Organized by: Luigia Mocerino, Massimo Viscardi, University of Naples 'Federico II', Italy; Johan Augusto Bocanegra Cifuentes, Davide Borelli, Tomaso Gaggero, Enrico Rizzuto, University of Genoa, Italy; Victor Palma Contreras, Universidad Austral de Chile
Special Session #18: Methodological aspects of measurements in marine matrices
Organized by: Marco Capello, Laura Cutroneo, DISTAV (Department of Earth, Environmental, and Life Sciences) , University of Genoa, Italy
Special Session #19: Networking oceanography and metrology: examples and open challenges
Organized by: Andrea Merlone, Francesca Rolle, National Institute of Metrological Research (INRiM); Marc Le Menn, Service hydrographique et océanographique de la Marine (SHOM)
Special Session #20: Marine Robotics for Sea Metrology
Organized by: Giovanni Indiveri, Enrico Simetti, Francesco Wanderlingh, University of Genova - ISME, Italy; Paola Francesca Rivaro, University of Genova, Italy
Special Session #21: Exploring Marine Biogeochemistry
Organized by: Paola Rivaro, University of Genova, Departmet of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, Italy
Special Session #22: Integrating remote sensing, numerical modelling and AI technologies for marine and maritime research
Organized by: Maria Daniela Graziano, University of Naples, Italy; Davide Bonaldo, CNR, ISTITUTO DI SCIENZE MARINE; Giuliano Vernengo, University of Genoa, Italy
Special Session Proposal
Are you interested in organizing a special session?
Please, contact the Technical Program Chairs, using the form at this page: