Recent advances about the safety of ship and navigation


Corigliano Pasqualino Corigliano

Pasqualino Corigliano

The University of Messina, Messina, Italy

Del Pizzo Silvio Del Pizzo

Silvio Del Pizzo

The University of Naples “Parthenope”, Naples, Italy

Nielsen Ulrik Dam Nielsen

Ulrik Dam Nielsen

Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Piscopo Vincenzo Piscopo

Vincenzo Piscopo

The University of Naples “Parthenope”, Naples, Italy


Safety of ships and navigation is a widely investigated topic. Research and investigations in the area help to ensure high safety levels for crew and passengers, increase the structural reliability due to hull girder and local loads and reduce the environmental impact of ships due to collision and grounding events, combined with the employment of advanced geomatic techniques. Recent efforts, devoted to the development of new Rules and guidelines for autonomous ships, also require real-time knowledge of sea state conditions experienced by the ship along its route, as this knowledge assists in the avoidance of potential undesired phenomena, such as parametric roll, broaching and high-wave attack. This special session focuses on recent advances in the fields of ship reliability due to extreme and cyclic loads, and sea state assessment based on the wave buoy analogy. Furthermore, the session addresses possible strategies devoted to managing and reducing the wave-induced stresses and the environmental impact following collision or grounding events. In this context, accurate positioning systems play a pivotal role in ensuring safe and efficient maritime navigation. This special session will also address the latest advancements in positioning technology and their potential to enhance maritime navigation safety. Through interdisciplinary discussions, this session seeks to identify innovative approaches, challenges, and opportunities for leveraging positioning systems to mitigate navigation risks and improve overall safety in maritime operations.


Pasqualino Corigliano, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering of the University of Messina. In 2023 he was awarded the national scientific qualification as Full Professor for the Academic area 09/A1 “Aeronautical, aerospace and marine engineering”. He participates in several scientific projects dealing with Marine Engineering challenges and he is actually Principal Investigator in 1 scientific research project “MADELEINE” and Substitute Principal Investigator in 1 research project “EMPATHY”. He is involved in several institutional roles at the University of Messina. The main research fields are: fatigue of marine structures and joints under wave loads, dissimilar welding in shipbuilding, experimental and numerical analyses of the static and fatigue behaviour of metallic and composite materials used in marine structures.

Silvio Del Pizzo, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Technology of the University of Naples "Parthenope" and a PArthenope Navigation Group (PANG) Laboratory member. He previously worked as Assistant Professor (RTDb) at the same University, where he obtained a PhD in Geodetic and Topographic Science at the University of Naples Parthenope in May 2013. His research activities are focused on the geomatic field and specifically his main interests are Camera sensors, Photogrammetry, Computer Vision, and Remote Sensing applied to navigation, furthermore during the last years he worked on GNSS positioning, Visual Navigation, and Measurements Integration algorithms. From August 2013 he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in several projects of the University of Naples “Parthenope” with Navigation, Positioning, and Remote Sensing as the main topics. He is the author of more than 50 publications in journals and international conferences.

Ulrik Dam Nielsen, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, where he also obtained his PhD in 2005, and where he has had the main part of his professional career. Ulrik Dam Nielsen works with energy efficiency and safety of ships, with a special interest in assessments of operations in waves. In 2019, Ulrik Dam Nielsen obtained The Classical Degree of Doctor Technices (Dr.techn.) which is the highest academic distinction within engineering and technological science in Denmark.

Vincenzo Piscopo, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Technology of the University of Naples "Parthenope" and a PArthenope Navigation Group (PANG) Laboratory member. In 2021 he was awarded the national scientific qualification as Full Professor for the Academic area 09/A1 “Aeronautical, aerospace and marine engineering”. He is editorial board member of the “International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering” and Associate Editor of the “IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering”. He is also co-inventor and owner of the industry invention “Wave energy conversion device”, patent demand number 102019000004221. The man research activities involve ships and marine structures, with reference to: (i) non-uniform torsion, buckling and ultimate strength analysis of ships and platings affected by pitting corrosion wastage, (ii) mooring design and selection for floating offshore wind turbine, (iii) dynamics of offshore structures, (iv) design of wave energy converters and (v) sea spectrum reconstruction based on ship motion analysis.



