UAVs for monitoring, mapping and modelling the terrestrial, coastal and marine interface
David R. Green
AICSM and UCEMM - University of Aberdeen
This session seeks to explore some of the current and future applications of UAV technology to the terrestrial, coastal and marine interface.
This will include coverage of for example: developing UAV technologies, soft-copy photogrammetry, surveying, ground-control, mapping, and 3D surface generation and 3D modelling.
Novel applications of UAVs and technical solutions for monitoring, mapping and modelling are welcome, particularly where they provide insight into the practical use of low-cost UAV solutions.
An international perspective is expected.
David R. Green is the Director of the Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management (AICSM), Director of the M.Sc. Degree Programme in Geographical Information Systems, and Director of the UAV Centre for Environmental Monitoring and Mapping (UCEMM) at the Department of Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom.
He is past Chairman of the Association for Geographic Information (AGI); past Editor in Chief of The Cartographic Journal; past-President of the EUCC–The Coastal and Marine Union; past-Vice-Chair of the European Centre for Nature Conservation Scientific Committee (ECNC); and Currently a Director and Chair of EGCP Ltd., Vice-Chair of the Commission on Coastal Systems, and Chair of the International CoastGIS 2021 Conference.
He is a specialist in the environmental applications of geospatial technologies with interests in geographical information systems, remote sensing (terrestrial and bathymetric), cartography/digital mapping, Internet and mobile GIS, coastal and marine resource management, hydrography, marine spatial planning (MSP), and UAV technology.
He has published a number of books on Coastal Zone Management, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and UAV applications.
David is also Editor in Chief of the Journal of Coastal Conservation, Planning and Management (Springer).
MSc in GIS: