Measuring acoustic performances of ships


Mocerino Luigia Mocerino

Luigia Mocerino

University of Naples 'Federico II', Italy

Bocanegra Cifuentes Johan Augusto Bocanegra Cifuentes

Johan Augusto Bocanegra Cifuentes

University of Genoa, Italy

Palma Contreras Victor Palma Contreras

Victor Palma Contreras

Universidad Austral de Chile

Borelli Davide Borelli

Davide Borelli

University of Genoa, Italy

Gaggero Tomaso Gaggero

Tomaso Gaggero

University of Genoa, Italy

Viscardi Massimo Viscardi

Massimo Viscardi

University of Naples 'Federico II', Italy

Rizzuto Enrico Rizzuto

Enrico Rizzuto

University of Genoa, Italy


Acoustical performances are becoming important also for marine vessels: the relevant acoustical impact can be on the internal part of the ship, regarding the comfort of internal spaces on board or towards the exterior, including impact in air (on third parties and/or aerial/terrestrial fauna) and in water (on marine ecosystems).

This special session aims at bringing together experts from academia, industry, and regulatory bodies to discuss advancements in instruments, measurement techniques, data processing and impact evaluation methodologies related to the acoustics of ships.


Topics of interest include, but are not confined to:

  • State-of-the-art instrumentation for airborne and underwater noise measurements;
  • Experimental setups and field measurement campaigns (methodology and results);
  • Signal processing techniques for noise source identification and characterization;
  • Measurement standards and requirements for ship noise impact assessment;
  • Case studies on ship noise impact;
  • Mitigation strategies and noise reduction technologies;
  • Machine learning applications in noise data analysis.


Luigia Mocerino received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Naples 'Federico II' in 2014 ad 2017, respectively.
Later, in 2020, She gained a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the same University working on gas and acoustic emissions from ships.
From 2021 to 2023 she held a position of Post-Graduate Research Fellow at the University “Parthenope” in Naples.
Presently she Is employed as Researcher at the University of Naples 'Federico II' working in the PNRR research programme.
Her main research interests deal with marine engines simulation, exhaust gases emissions and airborne noise radiation from ships at port and in navigation.

Johan Augusto Bocanegra holds a Master in Physics from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Genoa
He presently works as Researcher at the University of Genoa.
His work embraces the fields of energy, sustainability, and acoustics, with a strong focus on ship and port noise.
He employs advanced techniques such as acoustic cameras and beamforming methods to analyze and mitigate noise impacts.
In addition, his research extends to energy sustainability in ports and surrounding urban neighborhoods, promoting integrated solutions for greener maritime and port environments.

Victor Palma Contreras obtained a degree in Naval and Marine Engineering from the Austral University of Chile, followed by a Master's in Ocean Engineering with a specialization in mechanical vibrations, specifically focusing on structure-borne noise in ships.
Prior to his Master's degree, he gained professional experience as a Quality Control Engineer at ASENAV shipyards and as a Third Engineer in the merchant navy.
He completed his Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, focusing on flow assurance phenomena in petroleum production pipelines. Currently, he serves as Assistant Professor and Researcher in the Institute of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at the Universidad Austral de Chile.
His research topics include marine machinery, operational monitoring and maritime sustainability.

Davide Borelli received a Master Degree in Civil Engineering and a Ph.D. from the University of Genoa, Italy (Production, Thermal Engineering and Mathematical Models Department) .
He is currently Associate Professor of Building Physics and Building Energy Systems at the Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transport Engineering (DIME) of the University of Genoa.
His primary research interests are computer techniques for noise/acoustic modeling, noise reduction and energy engineering.
He participated to several Interreg Maritime It-Fr projects regarding the environmental impact of ships and ports: CLASTER (Compatibility and Sustainability of Port Noise), SIGNAL (Cross-border strategies for the valorisation of Liquid Natural Gas), DECIBEL (Dépollution acoustique des centres portuaires urbains et insulaires), REPORT (Noise and Ports), RUMBLE (Noise reduction in major port cities in the cross-border maritime programme), MON ACUMEN (MONitorage Actif Conjoint Urbain-MaritimE de la Nuisance). He also participated to project MESP (Managing the Environmental Sustainability of Ports for a durable development), ENPICBC Med and SILENV (Ships oriented Innovative soLutions to rEduce Noise & Vibrations) within FP7

Tomaso Gaggero holds a Master Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Genoa, where he obtained in 2009 a PhD with researches on ship noise transmitted on board and radiated outside in air and in water.
He presently is serving as Associate Professor at the Department of Naval Architecture, Electrical, Electronic, and Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Genoa
He participated in various international research projects on the study of noise radiated in air and water by ships, including the FP7 SILENV project, H2020 AQUO, and Life-PIAQUO.
He provides support to the Italian administration at the International Maritime Organization on issues related to the underwater radiated noise.

Massimo Viscardi graduated at University of Naples “Federico II” in Aeronautical Engineering on 1994. Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering in 1998. From 2006 enrolled as Researcher at the University of Naples “Federico II” and presently is Professor of Aerospace Structures and Structural Testing at the same University (Dept. of Industrial Engineering).
His main research fields are : acoustic and vibrations, structural testing, sensing and actuation systems, composite materials, natural fibers applications, NDT/Health monitoring activities and Noise and Vibration Active Control.
He has been involved in more than 100 research activities within national and international programs, coordinating more than 20 of these initiatives.
He developed specific competencies and promoted industrial applications for innovative materials and inherent testing facilities.

Enrico Rizzuto holds a Master Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Genoa, he worked at CETENA (Italian Ship Research Centre , FINCANTIERI group) 1987 to 1990, when he joined the University of Genoa, first as a Researcher and later as Associate Professor. In 1993-94 (12 months) he was Guest Researcher at KTH-Stockholm (Royal Institute of Technology - Technical Acoustical Dept.). In 2016-18 he joined the University of Naples ‘Federico II’ as Professor in Ship Design and Construction and since 2019 he moved back to the University of Genoa with the same position. His main research interests are structural reliability of marine structures and environmental impact of ships, with focus on acoustics and gas emissions.



