Marine Measurements from the Vessels of Opportunity
Ilaria Ferrando
Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - University of Genova, Italy
Roberta Ivaldi
Italian Hydrographic Institute
Paola Picco
Italian Hydrographic Institute
Marco Giovine
Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences - Unviersity of Genova, Italy
Domenico Sguerso
Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - University of Genova, Italy
Vessels of Opportunity (VOO) represent an important resource of moving platforms to support and integrate in-situ marine monitoring programs.
This session welcomes presentations on all aspects involved in VOO observations process such as:
- autonomous operating monitoring devices and new developed techniques;
- vessel recruitment and intercalibration exercises;
- data acquisition, transmission and management;
- projects, initiatives, experiences and results.
During this session we will also have the pleasure to host presentations about the monitoring activities carried out during the sailing around the world of Italian Navy's Nave Vespucci.
Ilaria Ferrando is Fixed-Term Assistant Professor (RTD-A) in Geomatics at Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering of Genoa University since October 2020. She received her Ph.D. in Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (curriculum Fluid Dynamics and Environmental Engineering) in March 2017. The research activity mainly develops in Geomatics field of knowledge, with particular focus on GNSS Meteorology, 3D geomatic surveying/monitoring with integrated techniques for both built and natural (terrestrial and marine) environments, and geospatial data processing and analysis in Geographical Information System (GIS) environment.