Measurements for improved understanding and forecasting of the ocean dynamics
Giuseppe Grieco
Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute, Netherlands
Ocean and atmospheric measurements play a fundamental role in our understanding of the sea state and its evolution. The aim of this session is to stimulate a discussion on new data processing methodologies aiming at exploiting the information content of current and upcoming sea monitoring technologies, including in situ and remotely sensed. A special attention is given to synergistic and data assimilation approaches and to applications in coastal areas and/or the Mediterranean basin.
Giuseppe Grieco received his M. Sc. in Marine Sciences from the University Parthenope of Napoli in 2001 and his Ph. D. in Environmental Engineering from the Università della Basilicata in 2008. Currently, he has a EUMETSAT fellowship on GNSS-Reflectometry that has being carrying out at KNMI in collaboration with the Institute of Marine Sciences of Barcelona (Spain).